Go to the Gym Fatty

Golf.  Getting better seems so easy, but it also seems so hard.  The hardest thing for me is having the mental fortitude to actually do the one thing I know will pay huge dividends.  I need to go to the gym.  I need to lose 25lbs and get stronger.  I am not talking Bryson strong, but the type of shape that will lead to higher swing speed and an increase in stamina.  I do not know why it seems so hard to actually get off my lazy ass and put in the work. 

I hit balls, working on my swing all to get better.  I read about golf and just got myself the Decade System from Scott Fawcett, to strengthen my mind so I can play better golf.  But for some reason the idea of working out, of actually going to the gym or at least doing some core work in my home is something I want to do, but I am still unable.

I know why I do not end up doing any exercise in the morning, I stay up way too late at night.  I watch very shitty television.  That is why I cannot wake up with enough time to exercise.  So unless I do it in the morning, before my wife and child are awake, I do not have any other time.  I certainly would not want to trade family time in the evening to get into shape.  The solution is simple, but I am unable to take the correct action.

I am going to try again tonight, maybe tomorrow morning will be my day.  Well it was not, I feel almost like Pinky and the Brain, tomorrow we will conqueror the world.